A Geologic Fancast

February 13, 2008

Fancast coverartGeorge has very kindly posted the fancast that I mentioned earlier on his regular podcast feed.

My part in the production was very small, with that dynamo of niceness, the lovely CarrieP the main creative force behind it all, and a whole lot of content from a bunch of people with more creativity and skill than you could fit in a telephone booth. A big one.

It might not make much sense unless you are a listener of the Geologic Podcast. So if you’re not then then you should ignore this bloody well subscribe and then download the fancast.

You don’t get off the hook that easily.

The Geologic Universe

February 9, 2008

One of the things I’ve been tied up with over the last month has been my novice attempts at putting together audio content to contribute to a fancast celebrating the one year anniversary of the Geologic Podcast. It’s been something of a steep learning curve, but overall quite rewarding.

The Geologic Podcast is an intelligent and humorous (though often NSFW) layered blend of music, sketch comedy, rants, atheism, skepticism, science and bald jokes. If that’s not enough to get you interested, he’s just posted a video clip for the Assumption. Take a look, it’s brilliant.

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